- Aegean
- sea between Greece and Asia Minor, 1570s, traditionally named for Aegeus, father of Theseus, who threw himself to his death in it when he thought his son had perished; but perhaps from Greek aiges "waves," a word of unknown origin.
- 1. Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean .
- スピロス?ラジスの最初の職業はエーゲ海の卑しい漁師だった。/
- 2.I 'd love to go diving in the Aegean .
- エーゲ海にダイビングに行きたいです。
- 3.Athens is often called the queen of the Aegean .
- アテネはエーゲ海のクイーンと呼ばれることが多い。
- 4.They had come down among the Aegean cities and islands some centuries before 1000 BC.
- 紀元前1000年前の数世紀、エーゲ海の都市や島とともに続いてきた。dd>
- 5.For the first time Athens became an Aegean power to be reckoned with.
- アテネもエーゲハイチ区の注目を集める強国として初めてなった。