英 美 ['brʌsəlz]
- Brussels
- capital of old Brabant, now of Belgium, of Germanic origin, from brocca "marsh" + sali "room, building," from Latin cella (see cell). It arose 6c. as a fortress on an island in a river. As a type of carpet, from 1799; as a type of lace, from 1748. Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea gemmifera) attested from 1748 (first written description is from 1580s).
- 1. She was adamantly opposed to her husband travelling to Brussels .
- 彼女は夫のブリュッセル行きに断固反対した。
- 2.NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today.
- NATO各国の国防相は今日、ブリュッセルでの会議を円満に終えた。
- 3.It 's been a tumultuous day at the international trade negotiations in Brussels .
- ブリュッセル国際貿易交渉で混乱した日だった。
- 4.Finance Ministers are meeting today in Brussels with Britain in the chair.
- 財務相らは今日ブリュッセルで会合し、会議は英国が主催した。
- 5.At Brussels airport he fell victim to pickpockets who pinched his wallet.
- ブリュッセル空港ですりに狙われ、財布が盗まれた。