英 ['dʌmpstə]
- Dumpster (n.)
- 1930s, from Dempster-Dumpster trash-hauling mechanism, patented by Dempster Brothers and probably named from dump (v.) with the surname in mind. Dumpster diving attested from 1979.
- 1. Industry experts say similar dumptster diving is a common form of industrial espionage.
- 業界専門家によると、ゴミを探すのは産業スパイの常套手段だという。
- 2.Did she confess to putting his clothes in that Dumpster ?
- 彼女は服をゴミ箱に捨てたことを白状したか?
- 3.Why don 't you take it outside and throw it in a dumpster ?
- ああ、余計だからそのまま出してゴミ箱に捨ててしまえばいいのか。
- 4.But three of us would meet behind the dumpster and learn French.
- しかし、私たち3人はゴミ屋敷の後で会ってフランス語を学ぶことができます。
- 5.There is a dumpster around the corner of Main Street.
- メインストリートの街角には大きなゴミ箱があります。