- n. (ドイツの)文化論争(1873~1887年、ローマ?カトリック教会とドイツ政府との間で、教育?教職の任命権をめぐって);世俗的なものと教会的なものとの間の論争や闘争。
- Kulturkampf (n.)
- 1879, originally in reference to the struggle between the German government and the Catholic Church over control of educational and ecclesiastical appointments, 1872-86, German, literally "struggle for culture," from Kultur + Kampf "combat, fight, struggle," from Old High German kampf (8c.), from Latin campus "field, battlefield" (see campus).
- 1. The 1920 's proved to be the focal decade in the Kulturkampf of American Protestantism(Richard Hofstadter)
- 1920年代は米国のプロテスタント文化闘争が最も激しかった年代(リチャードホフシュタット)