- Macedonia
- c. 1300, Macedone, from Latin Macedonius "Macedonian," from Greek Makedones "the Macedonians," literally "highlanders" or "the tall ones," related to makednos "long, tall," makros "long, large" (see macro-). French Macédoine "mixed cut fruit or vegetables" is early 19c., said to be a reference to the diversity of people in Alexander's empire.
- 1. He is counting on winning seats and perhaps a share in the new government of Macedonia .
- 彼はいくつかの議席を獲得し、マケドニア新政府の一員になるかもしれないと期待している。
- 2.His father was a court physician to the king of Macedonia .
- 父はマケドニア国王の宮廷医。
- 3.Athens,with the rest of Greece,was at that time a protectorate of Macedonia .
- 当時のアテネはもちろんギリシャ全体がマケドニアの支配下にあった。
- 4.If Kosovo can be partitioned,why not Macedonia and Bosnia?
- コソボが分割できるなら、マケドニアとボスニアはなぜできないのだろうか。
- 5.When we mention this Macedonia call,it usually means aa certain place.
- この夜の異象は私たちがよく知っている「マケドニアの叫び」です。