- Naples
- city in southern Italy, Italian Napoli, founded by Greek coloniests 5c. B.C.E., from Greek Neapolis, literally "New City," from nea, fem. of neos "new" (see neo-) + polis "city" (see polis).
- 1. He ordered the combined fleet to convoy troops to Naples .
- 彼は連合艦隊にナポリに軍隊を護送するように命じた。
- 2.It was the sound of easy laughter in the cafes of Naples .
- はナポリのカフェのちょっと放蕩な笑い声です。
- -廊橋遺夢
- 3.He also claimed the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily.
- ナポリとシチリア王国を所有していると宣言した。
- 4.When the time came to go,they drove to Naples .
- 別れの時が来て、彼らはナポリまで車で行った。
- 5. Naples ,with its immediate suburbs,contains six hundred and twenty-five thousand inhabitants.
- ナポリは近郊と合わせて人口62万5000人。