英 ['ɔtəwə]
- Ottawa
- Canadian capital, founded 1827 as Bytown, named for English officer John By, who oversaw construction of the canal there; renamed 1854, when it became capital, for the Ottawa River, which took its name from the Algonquian people who lived in Michigan and Ontario. Their name is said to be from adawe "to trade."
- 1. A fast train does the journey to Ottawa in three hours.
- 急行はオタワへの旅を3時間以内に終えた。
- 2.In 1937 he was seconded to the Royal Canadian Air Force in Ottawa as air armament adviser.
- 1937年彼はオタワのカナダ王立空軍に軍備顧問として臨時転任された。
- 3.Henry sat for a portrait by karsh of Ottawa ,the great Canadian photographer.
- 享利はカナダ?オタワの有名写真家カシュに写真を撮らせた。
- 4.Fantastic.How long are you staying in Ottawa ?
- 素晴らしい!オタワにどのくらい滞在できますか。
- 5.I 'm calling from downtown Ottawa .
- オタワ市中心部で電話します。