英 [ædə'les(ə)nt]
美 [,ædə'lɛsnt]
思春期接頭辞 ad-, 「行く」「~へ」。動詞の接尾辞-esceで始まる。
- adolescent
- adolescent: [15] The original notion lying behind both adolescent and adult is of ‘nourishment’. The Latin verb alere meant ‘nourish’ (alimentary and alimony come from it, and it is related to old). A derivative of this, denoting the beginning of an action, was alēscere ‘be nourished’, hence ‘grow’. The addition of the prefix ad- produced adolēscere.
Its present participial stem, adolēscent- ‘growing’, passed into English as the noun adolescent ‘a youth’ (the adjective appears not to have occurred before the end of the 18th century). Its past participle, adultus ‘grown’, was adopted into English as adult in the 16th century.
=> adult, alimentary, alimony, coalesce, coalition, proletarian, prolific - adolescent (n.)
- mid-15c., "youth, young man," from Middle French adolescent (15c.) or directly from Latin adolescentem (nominative adolescens) "growing, near maturity, youthful," present participle of adolescere "grow up, come to maturity, ripen," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + alescere "be nourished," hence, "increase, grow up," inchoative of alere "to nourish" (see old). Adolesce was a back-formed verb used early 20c. by H.G. Wells, G.B. Shaw, Louis MacNeice, but it seems not to have taken.
- adolescent (adj.)
- 1785, from Latin adolescentem (nominative adolescens) "growing, near maturity, youthful," present participle of adolescere "grow up, come to maturity, ripen" (see adolescent (n.)).
- 1. Adolescent suicide is rarely an impulsive reaction to immediate distress.
- 青少年の自殺が少ないのは、突然の不幸による衝動的な反応である。
- 2.He spent his adolescent years playing guitar in the church band.
- 教会のバンドでギターを弾き、青少年時代を過ごした。
- 3.A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy.
- 青少年が少し反抗的であることは正常だということで意見が一致した。
- 4.Parents worry about the effect of music on their adolescent 's behavior.
- 親は思春期の子供の行動に音楽が与える影響を心配している。
- 5.Why give publicity to this self-indulgent, adolescent oaf?
- なぜこのわがままで思春期未満のバカを宣伝報道するのか。