ドイツの商品名acetylierte Spirsaureから。 Acetylierte、語源はacid、酸と同じ。語源のspir, spiralについては、spiral, spiralを参照。スピルリナ属の植物から抽出される葉酸を指す。
Die Bezeichnung Aspirin ist abgeleitet aus "Spirs?ure" -- alter Name der Salicyls?ure und A = Acetyl; statt" Acetylirte Spirs?ure, kurzweg "Aspirin". [H, Dreser, "Pharmakologisches über Aspirin (Acetylsalicyls?ure)," in "Archiv für die Gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere," 1899, p.307]The custom of giving commercial names to medicinal products began in Germany in the late 19th century, when nascent pharmaceutical firms were discovering medical uses for common, easily made chemicals. To discourage competitors they would market the substance under a short trademarked name a doctor could remember, rather than the long chemical compound word. German law required prescriptions to be filled exactly as written.