c. 1200, from Old French assalir "attack, assault, assail" (12c., Modern French assaillir), from Vulgar Latin *adsalire "to leap at," from Latin ad- "at" (see ad-) + salire "to leap" (see salient (adj.)). Figurative use from mid-14c. Related: Assailed; assailing; assailable.
1. By 1000 BC waves of invaders began to assail the land.
2.The opposition 's newspapers assail the government each day.
3.Then doubts and fears did assail the very strongest.
4.You ought to assail all the difficulties that may come your way with great courage.あなたは勇敢にすべての直面する可能性のある困難に直面すべきです。
5.The doubts and fears didn 't assail the very strongest.