- avidity (n.)
- mid-15c., "eagerness, zeal," from Old French avidite "avidity, greed," from Latin aviditatem (nominative aviditas) "eagerness, avidity," noun of quality from avidus (see avid).
- 1. Philosophers have an avidity to know how we perceive objects.
- 哲学者は人間がどのように物事の問題を悟るかを明らかにしたいと望んでいる。
- 2.Everyone attend to not up so many,with avidity eat right away.
- みんなそんなにかまっていられないので、すぐにがつがつ食べてしまいます。
- 3.The man began to eat with avidity .
- あの人は貪欲に食べ始めた.
- 4.She reads with avidity .
- 彼女は飢えたように本を読んでいる。
- 5.So the prevention of the corruption must start from the point of preventing avidity .
- 汚職官僚の予防は、汚職の予防から始めなければならない。