1540s, "a staff used as a weapon," from French baton "stick, walking stick, staff, club, wand," from Old French baston (12c.) "stick, staff, rod," from Late Latin bastum "stout staff," probably of Gaulish origin or else from Greek *baston "support," from bastazein "to lift up, raise, carry." Meaning "staff carried as a symbol of office" is from 1580s; musical sense of "conductor's wand" is from 1841 (from 1839 as a French word in English). Often anglicized 17c.-18c. as batoon.
1. He once again raised his baton and brought in the brass.
2.Police in riot gear baton -charged the crowd.
3.They were driven back by a police baton charge.
4.The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd.