- bluntness (n.)
- late 15c., "stupidity," from blunt (adj.) + -ness. Meaning "rudeness" is from c. 1600.
- 1. His bluntness got him into trouble.
- 彼の剛直さは彼に迷惑をかけた。
- 2.Such bluntness is characteristic of him.
- 彼はこんなに鈍感だ。
- 3.Kennedy responded with equal bluntness .
- ケネディの答えも同様に率直である。
- 4.He said with smooth bluntness and shoved a stack of stapled sheets across his desk.
- 彼は滑らかで率直な口調で話し、予約した原稿用紙を机の向こうから渡した。
- 5.I can forgive his bluntness because it is associated with a basic kindliness of spirit.
- 私は彼の率直な言葉を許すことができます。それは本質的な心の優しさと関係があるからです。