美 ['bʊkkipɚ]
- bookkeeper (n.)
- also book-keeper, 1550s, from book (n.) + keeper. A rare English word with three consecutive double letters. Related: Bookkeeping, which is from 1680s in the sense "the work of keeping account books;" book-keep (v.) is a back-formation from 1886.
- 1. The bookkeeper drew a check for me.
- 会計は小切手を発行してくれた.
- 2.The bookkeeper figured well.
- このブックキーパーは計算が得意です。
- 3.A part-time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices and paying bills.
- パートタイム会計を雇うと、未払い書類の追跡と請求書の支払いの負担から解放されます。
- 4.I was tired of being a bookkeeper .
- 簿記者になるのに飽きた。
- 5.All day long Sally was a good and diligent bookkeeper and salesman.
- セリは朝から晩まで丁寧に簿記者と販売員をしています。