英 ['baʊntɪəs]
美 ['baʊntɪəs]
- bounteous (adj.)
- late 14c., from bounty + -ous; originally "full of goodness," but always shading toward "generous in bestowing," a sense which logically might have been left to bountiful. Related: Bounteously; bounteousness.
- 1. He has a bounteous imagination.
- 彼は豊かな想像力を持っている。
- 2.Her grace,quickness,her social felicities-seemed the overflow of a bounteous nature.
- 彼女の端正な身だしなみ、敏捷な反応、伶俐な弁舌はすべて余計なもののようだ。
- 3.Because of the spring rains,the farmers had a bounteous crop.
- 春雨が降ったので農夫は豊作だった。
- 4.Lawellen acquire to be a bounteous grapheme someday,my dadddy said so.
- レヴィレン:いつか私は大スターになる、私の父はそう言っています。
- 5.We are grateful to you for your bounteous gifts.
- あなたからの手厚い贈り物に感謝します。