trimethyl-derivative of xanthine, 1830, from German Kaffein, coined by chemist F.F. Runge (1795-1867), apparently from German Kaffee "coffee" (see coffee) + chemical suffix -ine (2) (German -in). The form of the English word may be via French caféine.
1. As little as 50 mg of caffeine can produce pharmacological effects.
カフェインわずか50 mgで薬理効果が得られる。
2.The caffeine in coffee can jangle the nerves.
3. Caffeine can cause palpitations and headaches.
4.As a rule of thumb,a cup of filter coffee contains about 80 mg of caffeine .
経験的に推定すると、1杯のフィルターコーヒーには約80 mgのカフェインが含まれている。
5.The shaking inside may be due to low blood sugar,too much caffeine or too many cigarettes.