early 13c., "skin color, complexion," from Old French color "color, complexion, appearance" (Modern French couleur), from Latin color "color of the skin; color in general, hue; appearance," from Old Latin colos, originally "a covering" (akin to celare "to hide, conceal"), from PIE root *kel- (2) "to cover, conceal" (see cell).
For sense evolution, compare Sanskrit varnah "covering, color," related to vrnoti "covers," and also see chroma. Meaning "visible color, color of something" is attested in English from c. 1300. As "color as a property of things," from late 14c. Old English words for "color" were hiw ("hue"), bleo.
color (v.)
late 14c.; see color (n.); earliest use is figurative. Related: Colored; coloring.
1. Nancy liked it well enough,but complained about the color .
2.He said he wanted a color -blind government where everybody 's treated the same.
3.He deniesメイキングoff- color remarks about women.
4.The contents are emptied into color -coded buckets.
5.She differs from her sister in the color of her eyes.