英 [kɒnfə'meɪʃ(ə)n]
美 [,kɑnfɚ'meʃən]
- confirmation (n.)
- c. 1300, confyrmacyoun, the Church rite, from Old French confirmacion (13c.) "strengthening, confirmation; proof; ratification," from Latin confirmationem (nominative confirmatio) "a securing, establishing; an assurance, encouragement," noun of action from confirmare (see confirm). As a legal action, "verification, proof," from late 14c.; as "action of making sure," from late 15c.
- 1. Here,graphically displayed,was confirmation of the entire story.
- はここでのイメージの展示を通じてすべてのことの真実性を証明した。
- 2.It was announced that the times were provisional and subject to confirmation .
- これらの時間は暫定的であり、まだ確定する必要があると発表した。
- 3.They took her resignation from Bendix as confirmation of their suspicions.
- 彼らは彼女がベネディクス社を辞めたことで疑いが立証されたと考えている。
- 4.Travel arrangements are subject to confirmation by State Tourist Organisations.
- 旅行手配には州観光組織の確認が必要です。/
- 5.We 're waiting for written confirmation from the Americans.
- アメリカ人の書面確認を待っています。