英 [krəʊn]
美 [kron]
- n.萎縮した年老いた道化師;年老いた雌羊
- n.(クローネ)人の名前;(英)Crone;(伊、独、西、スウェーデン)Cronje
crone 醜い老婆。語源はcarrion、腐肉と同じ。
- crone
- crone: [14] Crone has a rather macabre history. Essentially it is the same word as carrion. It began life in Latin carō ‘flesh’, which had a Vulgar Latin derivative *carōnia ‘carcass’. In Old Northern French this became carogne, which was applied metaphorically to a withered old woman (English carrion comes from the Anglo-Norman form caroine). Middle Dutch borrowed the word as croonje, applying it additionally to old ewes, and passed it on to English.
=> carrion - crone (n.)
- late 14c., from Anglo-French carogne, from Old North French carogne, term of abuse for a cantankerous or withered woman, literally "carrion," from Vulgar Latin *caronia (see carrion).
- 1. It was said jokingly almost,in her grim,Italian,old crone fashion.
- これらの話をする時も冗談のようではなく、彼女の独特な厳しいイタリア型おばあさんのやり方で冗談を言っている。
- 2.The old crone gabbed all day.
- このおばあさんは一日中おしゃべりをしている。
- 3.Even if he is a youth of twenty he moves like an ancient crone .
- 彼は20歳の青年でも、行動すると干からびたおばあさんのように見える。
- 4.This crone will not be hused up any longer.
- この罪は二度と隠すことができない。
- 5.You are the Crone ; Queen of the world of spirits.
- あなたは知略に満ちた老婦です:魂の世界の女王。