英 ['kʌt,ɔːf]
美 ['kʌt,ɔf]
- cutoff (n.)
- 1640s, "act of cutting off," also "portion cut off," from verbal phrase cut off (late 14c.). Of rivers, from 1773; of roads, from 1806; of clothing (adj.), from 1840.
- 1. The United States resisted an arms cutoff .
- 米国は武器供給の停止を拒否した。
- 2.These cutoff values are by no means recomended values.
- これらのカットオフ値は決して推奨値ではありません。
- 3.There is no absolutely sharp cutoff distinguishing galaxies from globular clusters.
- 銀河と球状星団の間には越えられない溝はありません。dd>
- 4.Grade cutoff is sharp within inches.
- 数インチ内の品位変化は急激である.
- 5.The amendments provide several other sanctions,including a cutoff of federal highway funds.
- 修正案は、連邦道路資金の中止を含むいくつかの他の制裁を提供した。