英 ['dɪgnɪtɪ]
美 ['dɪɡnəti]
品位PIE *deikから、受容、良識、適正、語源的にはdecent, doctorと同じ。
- dignity
- dignity: [13] Dignity comes via Old French dignete from Latin dignitās, a derivative of dignus ‘worthy’. Also from the same source was Latin dignāre (source of English deign and its derivative disdain) and late Latin dignificāre (source of English dignify [15]). Dignus itself probably came from an earlier unrecorded *decnus ‘suitable, fitting’, a derivative of the verb decere, which produced English decent. Other related words in English include condign [15] and indignant [16], while dignitās also produced, via a different line of descent, English dainty.
=> condign, dainty, deign, disdain, indignant - dignity (n.)
- early 13c., from Old French dignite "dignity, privilege, honor," from Latin dignitatem (nominative dignitas) "worthiness," from dignus "worth (n.), worthy, proper, fitting" from PIE *dek-no-, from root *dek- "to take, accept" (see decent).
- 1. It 's an afflont to human dignity to keep someone alive like this.
- このように人の命を維持するのは人間の尊厳に対する冒涜である。
- 2.She 's got too much dignity to descend to writing anonymous letters.
- 彼女はプライドの高い人で、匿名の手紙を書くために自分をけなすことはありません。
- 3.He suffered a long series of illnesses with tremendous dignity and fortitude.
- 彼は常人を超える生命の尊厳を保つ信念と粘り強い意志力でさまざまな病気の苦しみに耐えている。
- 4.She looks terrible,shorn of all her beauty and dignity .
- 美貌と尊厳を失い、彼女は最悪のように見えた。
- 5.There was elegance and simple dignity in the way he bore himself.
- 彼は優雅で重々しい振る舞いをしている。/