英 [dɪ'vaɪsɪv]
- divisive (adj.)
- c. 1600, "having a quality of dividing," from Latin divis-, past participle stem of dividere (see divide (v.)) + -ive. Meaning "producing discord" is from 1640s. Related: Divisively; divisiveness.
- 1. This country still had a deeply oppressive,unequal and divisive political system.
- この国の政治体制は依然として残虐で異常であり、平等を欠き、四分五裂している。
- 2.A referendum would be divisive .
- 国民投票に分岐が生じる。/
- 3.Aborion has always been a divisive issue.
- 人工妊娠中絶は議論を呼んできた問題である。
- 4.He believes that unemployment is socially divisive .
- 失業は社会不安を引き起こすと考えている。/
- 5.All this can lead to divisive family arguments to which guilt is a major contributor.
- これらすべてが家庭内の意見の不一致を引き起こすことができ、後ろめたさがその主な要素である。