英 [daɪ'næmɪk]
美 [daɪ'næmɪk]
- adj. ダイナミックな; 動的な; エネルギッシュな
- n. dynamic; kinetic
- dynamic
- dynamic: [19] Greek dūnamis (a word of unknown origin) meant ‘strength’. It was used by the Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel in 1867 to form the name of the new explosive he had invented, dynamite. From it was derived the adjective dunamikós ‘powerful’, which French adopted in the 17th century as dynamique, and English acquired it in the early 19th century. Related to dúnamis was the verb dúnasthai ‘be strong’ or ‘be able’; from this was derived the noun dunasteíā ‘power, domination’, source, via French or late Latin, of English dynasty [15].
Part of the same word family is dynamo [19], short for dynamo-electric machine, a term coined in 1867 by the electrical engineer Werner Siemens.
=> dynamite, dynasty - dynamic (adj.)
- 1817 as a term in philosophy; 1827 in the sense "pertaining to force producing motion" (the opposite of static), from French dynamique introduced by German mathematician Gottfried Leibnitz (1646-1716) in 1691 from Greek dynamikos "powerful," from dynamis "power," from dynasthai "to be able, to have power, be strong enough," which is of unknown origin. The figurative sense of "active, potent, energetic" is from 1856 (in Emerson). Related: Dynamically.
- dynamic (n.)
- "energetic force; motive force," 1894, from dynamic (adj.).
- 1. He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way.
- 彼はインタラクティブな方法で仕事と娯楽を完璧に結合した。
- 2.The company president,and my immediate superior,was the dynamic Harry Stokes.
- 会社の会長、つまり私の直接の上司であり、精力的なハリー?ストークスです。
- 3.The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment.
- 市場が活性化するには、絶えず変更と調整が必要です。
- 4.Marcus was handsome, dynamic and ambitious.
- マーカスは堂々とした身だしなみをしており、精力的で野心的である。/
- 5.Politics has its own dynamic .
- 政治には独自の駆動力がある。