英 [ɪ'rekʃ(ə)n]
美 [ɪ'rɛkʃən]
- erection (n.)
- mid-15c., "establishment; advancement," from Late Latin erectionem (nominative erectio), noun of action from past participle stem of erigere "to set up, erect" (see erect (adj.)). Meanings "the putting up" (of a building, etc.), "stiffening of the penis" (also sometimes of the turgidity and rigidity of the clitoris) are both from 1590s.
- 1. The erection of the new hospital took several years.
- この新しい病院を建てるのに数年かかった.
- 2.The erection of this framework took only a few minutes.
- このフレームを架設するのに数分しかかかりません。
- 3.We bid for the erection of a multistory building.
- 入札でビルを建てた。
- 4.We should send a man to superintend the erection of machinery.
- マシンのインストールを監視するために1人を派遣しなければなりません。
- 5.We bid for the erection of a multistory hotel.
- 私たちは多層ホテルを建設するために入札しました。/