英 ['feɪtəlɪ]
- fatally (adv.)
- 1570s, "predestined," from fatal + -ly (2). Meaning "in a deadly manner" is from 1590s.
- 1. Failure now could fatally damage his chances in the future.
- 今の失敗は彼の未来のチャンスを完全に破壊するだろう。
- 2.The arteries in his neck had become fatally congested.
- 他頸動脈塞栓症、危篤状態。/
- 3.Four policemen were fatally shot in the incident.
- 今回の事件で警察官4人が致命的な銃傷を負った。
- 4.One of the drivers was fatally injured.
- 運転手の1人が致命傷を負った。
- 5.She was fatally wounded in a car crash.
- 彼女は衝突事故で致命的な怪我をした。