ラテン語のfatuus「愚かな、無味乾燥な」から。PIE *bhat, to hit, to beatからさらに派生した可能性があり、語源的にはbeat, battenと同じ。 脳死状態の婉曲表現。
[I]f we connect the fact that Fatuus is said to be an alternative name for Faunus, and that he predicted the future, and that this god is attested on an Etruscan mirror as Fatuvs in a clear oracular function (Weiss 2007b), we may venture a derivation from forfor 'to say' (Untermann 2000). The name of the god would then have come to be used pejoratively as 'silly'. [de Vaan]Related: Fatuously; fatuousness.