英 ['ɡəuə,hed]
- go-ahead (adj.)
- by 1840, "pushing, driving," from verbal phrase go ahead; see go (v.) + ahead (adv.). Go ahead as a command or invitation to proceed is from 1831, American English.
- 1. No matter where you go in life or how old you get,there 's always something new to learn about.After all,life is full of surprises.
- あなたがどこに住んでいても、あなたは何歳になっても、いつも新しいことを学ぶ必要があります。結局、生活はいつも驚きに満ちています。
- 2.We 'll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back.
- バーミンガムに行って会議に参加し、すぐに戻ってきます。
- 3.It 's a long way to go for two people in their seventies.
- 70代の2人にとって、この道は遠すぎる。
- 4.His wife wasn 't feeling too well and she wanted to go home.
- 彼の妻は少し気分が悪くなり、家に帰りたいと思っています。
- 5.The plan is good ; the problem is it doesn 't go far enough.
- 良い計画です;問題は深さが足りないことです。