ギリシャ神話に登場する人頭鳥身のバンシーで、文字通り捕食者、略奪者。語源はPIE *rep(奪う、引き裂く)で、rip(裂く)、rob(奪う)、rupture(引き裂く)と同じ。
In Homer they are merely personified storm winds, who were believed to have carried off any person that had suddenly disappeared. In Hesiod they are fair-haired and winged maidens who surpass the winds in swiftness, and are called Aello and Ocypete; but in later writers they are represented as disgusting monsters, with heads like maidens, faces pale with hunger, and claws like those of birds. The harpies ministered to the gods as the executors of vengeance. ["American Cyclop?dia," 1874]