英 ['helɪkɒptə]
美 ['hɛlɪkɑptɚ]
- n. [air]ヘリコプター
- vi. [air]ヘリコプターに乗る
- vt.ヘリコプターで輸送する
- helicopter
- helicopter: [19] The term helicopter was coined in the mid-19th century from Greek hélix ‘spiral’ (source of English helix [16] and helical [17]) and Greek ptéron ‘wing’ (source of English pterodactyl and related to feather). The French were first in the field with hélicoptère, and the earliest record of the word in English, in 1861, was the barely anglicized helicoptere, but by the late 1880s the modern form helicopter was being used. (These 19th-century helicopters were of course a far cry from the present-day rotorblade- driven craft, which were introduced in the late 1930s; as their name suggests, they were lifted – or more usually not lifted – by rotating spiral-shaped aerofoils.)
=> feather, helical, helix, pterodactyl - helicopter (n.)
- 1861, from French hélicoptère "device for enabling airplanes to rise perpendicularly," thus "flying machine propelled by screws." The idea was to gain lift from spiral aerofoils, and it didn't work. Used by Jules Verne and the Wright Brothers, the word transferred to helicopters in the modern sense when those were developed in the 1920s. From Greek helix (genitive helikos) "spiral" (see helix) + pteron "wing" (see pterodactyl). Nativized in Flemish as wentelwiek "with rotary vanes."
- 1. A helicopter crashed in a fiery explosion in Vallejo.
- ヘリコプターがワレホで爆発して炎上し、墜落した。
- 2.A black Mercedes screeched to a halt beside the helicopter .
- ヘリコプターのそばで黒いメルセデスの乗用車がガチャンと止まった。/
- 3.She served six months in prison for the helicopter caper.
- 彼女はヘリコプター事件で6ヶ月間刑務所に入った。
- 4.The helicopter crash landed when one of its two engines cut out.
- ヘリコプターの2つのエンジンのうち1つが停止し、不時着した。
- 5.The silence was broken by the whirring of a helicopter .
- ヘリコプターのブーンという音が静寂を破った。