英 美
- hiccups (n.)
- a bout of hiccupping, by 1723; see hiccup (n.). This often also was called hiccup or the hiccup. An earlier word for it (noun and verb) was yex, imitative, from Old English gesca, geosca.
- 1. I cannot find a rhyme to " hiccups ".
- hiccups と同じ韻の語を見つけることができません.
- 2.The hiccups may shake your baby 's body from head to foot.
- しゃっくりをすると赤ちゃんが頭から足に震える可能性があります。
- 3.Can we rhyme ' hiccups 'with 'pick-ups '?
- hiccups とpick-upsを一緒に韻を踏むことができますか。
- 4.Is there a rhyme for/to ` hiccups '?
- hiccups と韻を踏む言葉はありますか。
- 5.He suddenly had an attack of the hiccups .
- 彼は突然、えーっと逆を打った。