honest: [13] Honest comes via Old French honeste from Latin honestus, a derivative of honōs, from which English gets honour. The new Latin noun formed from honestus was *honestitās, literally ‘honestness’, recorded only in the later contracted form honestās. From it English acquired honesty [14], whose application to plants of the genus Lunaria was inspired by their nearly transparent seed-pods. => honour
honest (adj.)
c. 1300, "respectable, decent, of neat appearance," also "free from fraud," from Old French honeste (12c.; Modern French honnête), from Latin honestus "honorable, respected, regarded with honor," figuratively "deserving honor, honorable, respectable," from honos (see honor (n.)). Main modern sense of "dealing fairly, truthful" is c. 1400, as is sense of "virtuous." Phrase to make an honest woman of "marry a woman after seduction" is from 1620s.
1. To be honest the house is not quite our style.
2.I want to be honest , honest above everything else.
3.Fraudsters are often shopped by honest friends and neighbours.
4.He had been honest with her and she had tricked him!
5.She 's always noticed.But then,to be honest ,Ghislaine likes being noticed.