1725, "to breathe in," back-formation from inhalation or else from Latin inhalare "breathe upon," from in- "upon" (see in- (2)) + halare "breathe." Related: Inhaled; inhaling. Current sense is because the word was taken as the opposite of exhale. Slang sense of "eat rapidly" is recorded from 1924. As a noun, by 1934. Related: Inhaled; inhaling.
1. Don 't inhale dust into your lung.
2.Do you inhale when you smoke?
3.Smokers who inhale are likely to become addicted to nicotine.
4.He continued to inhale the close,and somewhat professional atmosphere of Mrs.Glass 's small parlour.グラス夫人の小さなリビングにある重苦しくて業界臭のする空気を呼吸し続けた。
5.They are pleased to not inhale second hand smoke.