- instigation (n.)
- early 15c., from Middle French instigation and directly from Latin instigationem (nominative instigatio), noun of action from past participle stem of instigare "urge on, incite," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + *stigare, a root meaning "to prick," from PIE root *steig- "to prick, stick, pierce" (see stick (v.)).
- 1. At Merlin 's instigation ,Arthur founds the Fellowship of the Round Table.
- 梅林の提案のもと、アーサー王は円卓の騎士団を創設した。
- 2.At Kukhar 's instigation he joined the restaurant as an apprentice chef.
- クハーリの鼓動の下、彼はレストランで料理人の見習いをした。
- 3.An appeal fund was launched at the instigation of the President.
- 大統領は救援基金を提案した。
- 4.At his instigation we conceal the fact from the authorities.
- 私たちは彼にそそのかされて当局に事実を隠した。
- 5.Yesterday 's riot broke out at the instigation of an unknown politician.
- 昨日の暴動は知られていない政治家によって扇動された。