アラビア語のmakhzan(倉庫)、ma-(トポニムの接頭辞)、mosque(モスク)、khazana(倉庫)と語源は同じ。16世紀に英語になったとき、原語の意味も倉庫、特に兵器庫であった。その後、1731年にある雑誌が "Gentleman's Magazin "と命名され、文字通り紳士のための情報ガイド、紳士の倉庫という意味になった。この雑誌が人気を博したことで、雑誌、ジャーナルという言葉が派生し、それがメインの言葉となった。アーセナルと比較。
magazine: [16] The original meaning of magazine, now disused, was ‘storehouse’. The word comes, via French magasin and Italian magazzino, from Arabic makhāzin, the plural of makhzan ‘store-house’ (a derivative of the verb khazana ‘store’). It was soon applied specifically to a ‘store for arms’, and the modern sense ‘journal’, first recorded in the early 18th century, goes back to a 17th-century metaphorical application to a ‘storehouse of information’.
magazine (n.)
1580s, "place for storing goods, especially military ammunition," from Middle French magasin "warehouse, depot, store" (15c.), from Italian magazzino, from Arabic makhazin, plural of makhzan "storehouse" (source of Spanish almacén "warehouse, magazine"), from khazana "to store up." The original sense is almost obsolete; meaning "periodical journal" dates from the publication of the first one, "Gentleman's Magazine," in 1731, which was so called from earlier use of the word for a printed list of military stores and information, or in a figurative sense, from the publication being a "storehouse" of information.
1. Frank Deford is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair magazine .
2.She presents a monthly magazine programme on the BBC.
3.I have been a subscriber to Railway Magazine for many years.
4.The magazine 's aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework.
5.There 'sno need for that kind of language in this magazine .