ラテン語 maior から、*magjos 変種、PIE *meg, great, huge から、語源的には magnate, *yos 比較接尾辞と同じ。派生語源 major, major course など。
major: [16] Latin mājor ‘larger’ was the comparative form of magnus ‘large’, from which English gets magnitude, magnum etc (in early Latin it was *māgjōs). English originally acquired it as an adjective. Its noun use, for an army officer, followed in the 17th century. This represented a borrowing from French major, which was short for sergeant-major (in those days, ‘sergeant major’ was a more elevated rank than it is today). The derivative majority [16] comes via French majorité from medieval Latin mājōritās. Mayor comes from Latin mājor, routed via Old French. => magnitude, magnum, mayor
major (adj.)
c. 1300, from Latin maior (earlier *magjos), irregular comparative of magnus "large, great" (see magnate). Used in music (of modes, scales, or chords) since 1690s, on notion of an interval a half-tone greater than the minor.
major (n.)
military rank, 1640s, from French major, short for sergent-major, originally a higher rank than at present, from Medieval Latin major "chief officer, magnate, superior person," from Latin maior "an elder, adult," noun use of the adjective (see major (adj.)). The musical sense attested by 1797.
major (v.)
"focus (one's) studies," 1910, American English, from major (n.) in sense of "subject of specialization" (1890). Related: Majored; majoring. Earlier as a verb, in Scottish, "to prance about, or walk backwards and forwards with a military air and step" [Jamieson, 1825].
1. The seven major industrial countries will have their yearly meeting in London.
2.He said the issue was not a major irritant.
3.The rail strike is causing major disruptions at the country 's ports.
4.The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.
5.His pitching was a legend among major league hitters.