1530s, nyppell, "teat, duct-laden extremity of a mammalian breast," alteration of neble (1520s), probably diminutive of neb "bill, beak, snout" (see neb), hence, literally "a small projection." In reference to an artificial device on an infant's bottle, from 1875. A 16c.-17c. slang term for a woman's nipples was cherrilets.
1. Strict adherence to nipple hygiene is essential during breast feeding.
2.The nipple is surrounded by pigmented circular skin called the areola.
3. Nipple inversion is quite common in normal breasts.
4.Feeding time should last as long as the same amount was fed by nipple .
5.This unique form of breast cancer begins as a weeping eczematoid lesion of the nipple .