late 14c. (c. 1300 as a surname, Will. Le Pedelare), from peoddere, peddere (c. 1200, mid-12c. as a surname), of unknown origin. It has the appearance of an agent noun, but no corresponding verb is attested in Middle English. Perhaps a diminutive of ped "panier, basket," also of unknown origin, but this is attested only from late 14c. Pedlar, preferred spelling in U.K., is attested from late 14c.
1. The peddler was crying up his wares.
2.The peddler was stuffing the boy with lies.
3.The peddler bawled his wares in the street.
4.The peddler sold his wares cheap.
5.Once an old peddler drifted in,selling wretched,ill-made nameplate signs.