- 1. I 'd also like some pungency wings for appetizer.
- 食事の前に手羽先の辛さを注文したい.
- 2.He commented with typical pungency .
- 彼は典型的な皮肉を込めてコメントした。
- 3.It is not very strong and tastes sweet after the pungency of the alcohol is over.
- 市場でもう一つ目を引く商品は、いわゆるワハカの金、テキーラ。
- 4.Mace has a flavor and aroma similar to nutmeg,with slightly more pungency .
- ナツメグの衣はナツメグと同じ味だが、比較リストは、ストライプ状で、比較的辛い。
<dl><dt>5.The letters between authors are written in a unique style of satire,
pungency ,profundity and steadiness.