1.古英語のraes(走る、跳ぶ)から、原ゲルマン語*resから、PIE*ers(動く、移動する)から転化、語源的にはerrandから。 2. race, ethnicity, 中仏語のrazza, race, descent, familyから、おそらくラテン語のradix, rootから、語源はroot, radishと同じ。
Just being a Negro doesn't qualify you to understand the race situation any more than being sick makes you an expert on medicine. [Dick Gregory, 1964]In mid-20c. U.S. music catalogues, "Negro." Klein suggests these derive from Arabic ra's "head, beginning, origin" (compare Hebrew rosh). Old English teode meant both "race, folk, nation" and "language;" as a verb, geteodan, it meant "to unite, to join."