late 14c., from Medieval Latin retina "the retina," probably from Vulgar Latin (tunica) *retina, literally "net-like tunic," on resemblance to the network of blood vessels at the back of the eye, and ultimately from Latin rete "net" (see reticulate (adj.)). The Vulgar Latin phrase might be Gerard of Cremona's 12c. translation of Arabic (tabaqa) shabakiyyah "netlike (layer)," itself probably a translation of Greek amphiblestroeides (khiton).
1. If a person is short-sighted,images are focused in front of their retina .
2.The retina ,the inner layer of the globe,consists of two portions.
3.The periphery of the retina is very sensitive to motion.
4.The choroid coat carries many blood vessels to supply the retina .
5.This property is used in the treatment of a detached retina .