ラテン語のsatira,風刺的な作品,混成詩,lanx satura, full plate, mixed plate, 様々な果物が混ざった皿,lanx, plateから,語源はbalanceと同じ,satura, full, saturatedから女性的,語源はsatur, full, saturatedから,語源はsaturate, saturateと同じ。比喩的な用法で、後に風刺、嘲笑として広まった。
Satire, n. An obsolete kind of literary composition in which the vices and follies of the author's enemies were expounded with imperfect tenderness. In this country satire never had more than a sickly and uncertain existence, for the soul of it is wit, wherein we are dolefully deficient, the humor that we mistake for it, like all humor, being tolerant and sympathetic. Moreover, although Americans are 'endowed by their Creator' with abundant vice and folly, it is not generally known that these are reprehensible qualities, wherefore the satirist is popularly regarded as a sour-spirited knave, and his every victim's outcry for codefendants evokes a national assent. [Ambrose Bierce, "Devil's Dictionary," 1911]For nuances of usage, see humor (n.).
Proper satire is distinguished, by the generality of the reflections, from a lampoon which is aimed against a particular person, but they are too frequently confounded. [Johnson]
[I]n whatever department of human expression, wherever there is objective truth there is satire [Wyndham Lewis, "Rude Assignment," 1950]