c. 1200, "member of an (ancient) senate," from Old French senator (Modern French sénateur), from Latin senator "member of the senate," from senex "old; old man" (see senate). An Old English word for one was folcwita. As "member of a (modern) governing body" from late 14c.; specifically in U.S. use from 1788. Fem. form senatress attested from 1731. The Senators was the name of the professional baseball team in Washington, D.C., from 1891 to 1971.
1. He was in Georgia stumping for Senator Wyche Fowler,a Democrat.
2. Senator Bentsen has declined to get involved this time around.今回もベンツェン上院議員は参加を拒否した。
3. Senator Sam Nunn reigns supreme over the Senate Armed Services Committee.サム?ナイン上院議員が上院軍事委員会を主導している。
4. Senator Seymour has threatened a filibuster to block the bill.
5.Her conqueror, Senator Pete Wilson,is a diffident,moderate man.