title of the king of Persia, 1560s, shaw, from Persian shah, shortened from Old Persian x?ayathiya "king," from Indo-Iranian *ksayati "he has power over, rules" from PIE *tke- "to gain control of, gain power over" (cognates: Sanskrit ksatram "dominion;" Greek krasthai "to acquire, get," kektesthai "to possess"). His wife is a shahbanu (from banu "lady"); his son is a shahzadah (from zadah "son").
1. Chan - Vese ( C - V ) model is an excellent model of simplified Mumford - Shah models.
Chan-Veseモデルは、優れた簡略化されたMumford- Shah モデルです。
2.As such,the Shah 'tal have access to a wide variety of weapons.
したがって、 Shah 'talはさまざまな武器を手に入れる機会がある。
3. Shah has been a Rotarian for six years and is charter member of her club. Shah は、6年の社齢のロータリー社員であり、ロータリー社の創始社員である。
4.Their design then unfolded precisely as the Shah and Bhuto had predicted.
5.The Shah took literally the Western academic doctrines.