英 [ʃeɪm'feɪst; 'ʃeɪm-]
美 ['ʃem'fest]
shamefaced shamefaced, mortifiedfaceに影響されたスペルで、shamefastから低俗化した、shame、shamed、mortified、-fast、fixed、solid。
- shamefaced (adj.)
- "modest, bashful," 1550s, folk etymology alteration of shamefast, from Old English scamf?st "bashful," literally "restrained by shame," or else "firm in modesty," from shame (n.) + -f?st, adjectival suffix (see fast (adj.)). Related: Shamefacedly; shamefacedness.
shamefaced, -fast. It is true that the second is the original form, that -faced is due to a mistake, & that the notion attached to the word is necessarily affected in some slight degree by the change. But those who, in the flush of this discovery, would revert to -fast in ordinary use are rightly rewarded with the name of pedants .... [Fowler]
- 1. There was a long silence,and my father looked shamefaced .
- 沈黙が長く続いたが、父は恥じ入った顔をしていた。
- 2.And a While,the young man stood by, shamefaced ,and downat-heel,submitting.
- 若い男は頭を下げてそこに立っていて、恥ずかしそうな顔をして、唯々諾々としている。
- 3.Do not be so shamefaced .You 'll do it very well.
- そんなにずうずうしくしないで、あなたはよくできます。
- 4.It might be very well for an unmarried young curate to be shamefaced in such matters.
- 結婚していない若い副牧師がこのようなことで内気になるのは正常かもしれない。
- 5.They glanced at him, shamefaced ,yet in their eyes was an odd,triumphant defiance.
- 彼らは彼を一目見て、恥ずかしくて、彼らの目には奇妙で、勝利の軽蔑である。