mid-15c., "walk unsteadily, reel" (intransitive), altered from stakeren (early 14c.), from a Scandinavian source (compare Old Danish stagra, Old Norse stakra "to push, shove, cause to reel," also "to stumble, stagger," perhaps literally "hit with a stick," from Proto-Germanic *stakon- "a stake," from PIE *steg- (1) "pole, stick." Cognate with Dutch staggelen "to stagger," German staggeln "to stammer." Transitive sense of "bewilder, amaze" first recorded 1550s; that of "arrange in a zig-zag pattern" is from 1856. Related: Staggered; staggering.
1. Truman allowed him to stagger on for nearly another two years.
2.Our management has decided to stagger our working hour.
3.The unexpected blow did not stagger his resolution.
4. Stagger and stumble suggest unsteady or uncontrolledmovement.
stagger とstumbleは、いずれも不安定な、または身に覚えのない動作を意味します。
5.We can 't hold the two meetings at the same time ; we must stagger them.