英 [sten'tɔːrɪən]
美 [stɛn'tɔrɪən]
stentorian loud.その声は50人の男が一緒に叫ぶのと同じくらい大きかったという、トロイ戦争の伝説的な前触れ、ステントールから。ギリシャ語のstenein、唸る、轟く、から、PIE*sten、轟く、雷、雷と同じ語源。
- stentorian
- stentorian: [17] Stentor was a Greek warrior in the Trojan war, whose abnormally loud voice earned him the job of herald (his name was derived from the Greek verb sténein ‘groan, moan’). Stentorian, based on late Latin stentoreus or Greek stentóreios, commemorates his carrying tones.
- stentorian (adj.)
- "of powerful voice," c. 1600, from Stentor, legendary Greek herald in the Trojan War, whose voice (described in the "Iliad") was as loud as 50 men. His name is from Greek stenein "groan, moan," from PIE imitative root *(s)ten-, source of Old English tunor "thunder."
- 1. He bellowed in a stentorian voice.
- 彼は大きな声で叫んだ。
- 2. Stentorian snores came from the shadows-Chen Yueh-ngo 's elder brother,a stevedore.
- 暗闇の中にいびきがあり、それは陳月娥の埠頭労働者の兄である。
- 3.Now all joined in solemn stentorian accord.
- 今、この荘厳で、空に響き渡るハーモニーの中でみんなが連帯している。
- 4.Speak softly ; you don 't need a stentorian voice to be heard in this small room.
- 言葉が柔らかく、この小さな部屋でそんなに大きな声で聞かれる必要はありません。
- 5.The stentorian tones of auctioneer,calling out to clear,now announced that the sale to commence.
- 競売人は大きな声でみんなを呼んで少しよけて、それから競売が始まると宣言した。