such: [OE] Etymologically, such means ‘so formed’. It comes from a prehistoric Germanic compound formed from *swa ‘so’ (ancestor of English so) and *līk- ‘form, body’ (source of English like). This reached Old English as swylc, which gradually lost its l and w and evolved into modern English such. Amongst its Germanic relatives are German solch, Dutch zulk, Swedish silk, and Danish slig. => like, so
such (adj.)
c. 1200, Old English swylc, swilc "just as, as, in like manner; as if, as though; such a one, he" (pronoun and adjective), from a Proto-Germanic compound *swalikaz "so formed" (cognates: Old Saxon sulik, Old Norse slikr, Old Frisian selik, Middle Dutch selc, Dutch zulk, Old High German sulih, German solch, Gothic swaleiks), from swa "so" (see so) + *likan "form," source of Old English gelic "similar" (see like (adj.)). Colloquial suchlike (early 15c.) is pleonastic.
1. Issues such as these were not really his concern.
2.But legal experts are not sure if such a charge can stick.
3.Rather taken aback by such forwardness,I slammed down the phone.
4.The government wilted in the face of such powerful pressure.
5.You flatter yourself.Why would we go to such ludicrous lengths?