- tumour
- tumour: [16] Tumour is one of a small family of English words that go back ultimately to Latin tumēre ‘swell’. Others include contumacy, contumely, tumid ‘swollen’ [16], and tumult [15].
=> contumacy, contumely, thigh, thumb, tumid, tumult - tumour (n.)
- chiefly British English spelling of tumor; see -or.
- 1. A child was wrongly diagnosed as having a bone tumour .
- ある子供が骨腫にかかっていると誤診された.
- 2.He died in 1984 of an unsuspected brain tumour .
- 彼は1984年に脳腫瘍で事故死した。/
- 3.Her father died of a brain tumour .
- 彼女の父は脳腫瘍で死んだ。/
- 4.She developed a malignant breast tumour .
- 彼女には悪性の**腫瘍ができている。/dd>
an inoperable brain tumour